Businesses are scrambling to respond to the latest highly publicized Facebook algorithm changes. This is a big one folks. I am wondering if we may be seeing an event unfolding similar to the spectacular failure of the New Coke launch in 1985. But first, let’s start with a review of the changing habits of this […]
Live Streaming on Social Platforms
Tectonic shifts in the information landscape are transforming the way we consume media, in case you have been on a long trip to Katmandu recently. Amazon is making movies and Facebook is getting into news. People are watching movies on their phone and when High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology comes to Smartphones, offering a comparable […]
Should I Buy Likes and Followers?
The temptation is great, isn’t it? The number of Facebook Fans or Twitter Followers you command is an embarrassment to you. Perhaps you are planning an ad campaign and those low numbers just will not do. And then, a well-meaning friend or compelling Internet offer tells you that you can BUY them. You […]
Five Internet Marketing Must-dos For 2016
Let’s face it, we are quickly becoming a world in which everyone is constantly connected to the internet 24/7. Mobile penetration will approach 90% in 2016. Marketing is evolving and demands a strategy that your business be found and stand out on all platforms – desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Any smart marketing plan for […]
Do I Have to Pay For Facebook Advertising?
Well, the bad news is yes. What is the good news? The answer is also yes. In 2015 Facebook changed its algorithm resulting in fewer friends or fans seeing what you post. Currently, as few as 5-10% may see any given post. Reason being, says Facebook, otherwise you would be served up an average of […]
What Is Content Management?
Life was simpler when the Fuller Brush salesman roamed the earth going door-to-door expounding upon the unique benefits of his brushes and cleaning products. Today, Amazon and a gazillion other websites and bricks and mortar companies sell cleaning products to informed and Google-armed consumers who sit firmly in the marketing driver’s seat. How does a […]

The Academy Gets Social
Social media marketing history was made during the 85th presentation of the Academy Awards on March 2nd. Ellen DeGeneres coaxed Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, Kevin Spacey, Bradley Cooper and others to rise from their seats to snap a group selfie on a Samsung Galaxy Smartphone. It was retweeted 2.8 million times. The traffic […]

Social Media Tips and Tricks
SOCIAL MEDIA TIPS AND TRICKS As we all ease into 2014, it has become clear that before year’s end social media will be fully integrated into the marketing and customer service arms of most companies. Social media is here to stay, peeps. In that light, here are some tips to make sure you are getting […]

Five Social Media Marketing Trends for 2014
Social Media is here to stay. According to Forbes Magazine, in 2014 “Investment in social media will become a necessity, not a luxury.” 2014 will bring full adoption and complete integration of social media content and strategy into other marketing activities. While measuring results and having a clear objective formulated for your social media is […]

Pinterest and Twitter Gain Traction
Small businesses may be selling themselves short by thinking that simply creating a Facebook account provides an adequate social media presence. Twitter and Pinterest now account for approximately half of all social-generated e-commerce sales, according to data from AdShoppers. Twitter accounted for 29% of social-generated e-commerce sales in the third quarter 2013, compared to 14% in […]